Quick Reference Guide: Reef Tank Parameters

Maintaining stable water parameters is crucial for a thriving reef tank. Use this Quick Reference Guide (QRG) to understand ideal parameters, recommended testing frequencies, and tips for stability. Always follow manufacturer guidelines and regularly test to ensure a healthy environment.

1. Temperature:

Ideal Range: 75-78°F (24-26°C)

Testing Frequency: Weekly


Use a reliable heater and monitor for fluctuations.

Position heaters to avoid direct contact with corals.

2. Salinity:

Ideal Range: 1.024-1.026 SG

Testing Frequency: Weekly


Use a refractometer for accurate measurements.

Regularly top off with fresh water to compensate for evaporation.

3. pH:

Ideal Range: 8.1-8.4

Testing Frequency: Weekly


Ensure proper aeration for gas exchange.

Avoid sudden changes; adjust pH gradually if needed.

4. Ammonia (NH3/NH4):

Ideal Range: Undetectable

Testing Frequency: Bi-weekly


Use live rock and a matured biological filter.

Avoid overfeeding to prevent ammonia spikes.

5. Nitrite (NO2):

Ideal Range: Undetectable

Testing Frequency: Bi-weekly


Establish a stable nitrogen cycle.

Monitor for spikes during tank cycling.

6. Nitrate (NO3):

Ideal Range: < 5 ppm

Testing Frequency: Weekly


Promote nutrient export through efficient skimming.

Regular water changes help control nitrates.

7. Phosphate (PO4):

Ideal Range: < 0.03 ppm

Testing Frequency: Weekly


Utilize phosphate-absorbing media.

Monitor feeding habits to control phosphates.

8. Calcium (Ca):

Ideal Range: 400-450 ppm

Testing Frequency: Bi-weekly


Supplement with a high-quality calcium source.

Maintain alkalinity and magnesium levels for balance.

9. Alkalinity (KH):

Ideal Range: 8-12 dKH

Testing Frequency: Weekly


Use a reliable alkalinity supplement.

Keep stable levels for proper coral growth.

10. Magnesium (Mg):

Ideal Range: 1,250-1,350 ppm

Testing Frequency: Bi-weekly


Supplement with magnesium salts.

Maintain a balanced Ca: Mg ratio.


Testing frequency and ideal parameters may vary based on tank size, livestock, and equipment. Always follow manufacturer guidelines for testing kits and supplements. Regular testing is essential for maintaining a stable and healthy reef environment. Reef Crafters recommends diligence in testing and adjusting parameters to ensure optimal conditions for marine life.


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